A Bit Late, But Here’s What I Wore For Halloween! 

   I did mention in my last post that I wanted to share my actual Halloween costume, so here it is! I went the DIY route this year, and it was so fun to recreate the look of Ariel in normal everyday clothing:) it’s a bit more appropriate for going anywhere, as you don’t look too out of place if you’re dressed up a bit early in the day, and still festive enough for the holiday. So, for this look, I wore a long sleeve purple blouse and some green jeans. I wore a red wig, since last year’s attempt at Ariel ended with a fail spray paint red hair😂. I paired the look with some suspenders and some black glasses (not in the picture) to give the look a more “nerdy Ariel” feel, that I always see on tumblr and thought it would be really fun to recreate! 

So, that’s it for this post guys! I know it was late but my phone ran out of battery yesterday so I couldn’t post😂 What do you wear yesterday for Halloween? I would love to hear! 

XOXO, Nessa:) 

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