My Attempts At Drawing!

Yay! It’s been so long since I posted one of my drawings, but I am finally posting one today. I can’t believe it’s already pretty much the end of Christmas break, and I have to go to school already. 😦 So, before I slow down my posting streak, I’ll have a couple of scheduled posts go up while I’m taking the dreaded finals at school next week. But, on to my drawing now…

Drawing Process


<img src="" alt="/home/wpcom/public_html

/wp-content/blogs.dir/fb1/69765621/files/2015/01/img_3965.png” class=”alignnone size-full” />




And done! I’ve really been sketching flowers a lot lately (even simple doodles) and I wanted to incorporate them into an illustration. I’m not really good at drawing people as well, so this was good practice!

Supplies Used:
* Sharpie Thin Line Marker
* Black Pen
(Outlining Drawing)
* 2B Paramount Drawing Pencil
(For hair)
*2H Semi-Hex Drawing Pencil
(First draft pencil)
* Pink Baby Lips/Wet n’ Wild Lipstick
(Lip Color-painted on w/paintbrush)
*Elf Eyeshadow
(Eyeshadow color on drawing)

I thought it was a fun different medium to be able to use real products to color in the makeup, which I’ll probably do again on another drawing:)
Well, that’s it for now you guys, I’ll come back with another drawing in a couple of weeks! It might take a while to complete (I’m drawing a collection from fashion week, although I haven’t decided which one yet)
Anyways, hope you enjoyed seeing the process of my drawing and I shall see you very soon!


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