I haven’t posted in 1 month?! No!! 

So…basically I’ve just realized that I haven’t blogged in a month, but instead of making a plethora of excuses as I so usually catch myself doing, I decided I would update you all with my drawings:) I hope that with this unexpected tangent that I’ve taken, I will still have readers who still enjoy my context, and I do apologize for being so inconsistent lately. Anyways, here are some of the drawings I’ve posted on Instagram put never got to upload here. 


 This first photo is one that I drew from the Instagram account of Lacie, one of the Top 4 Finalists from Americas Next Top Model Cycle 22. (And last cycle ever:() She was one of my top 2 favorites since the show began, and I just had to draw her! (Side note: ultimate favorite was always Nyle and I’m still extremely happy that he won!)   

 If you’ve been reading my blog for a couple of months now, you may have noticed that I have quite the obsession with Dr.Who. (It’s kind of a big deal.) Anyways, as any Whovian would naturally do, I drew one of my favorite Who companions Clara Oswald pictured here. (Also if anyone here also watches Dr.Who, then 1st of all; Yaaass! And second: yes, yes I did draw her because I was the saddest ever with Face the Raven and I was relieved to see her in episodes after!) 

   Of course, at the end of the day I always seem to resort to cartoon-sequel portrait drawings, and here’s another to add to the never-ending collection I guess😂. Apparently, she looks like Adele (or so I’ve heard!) but I don’t quite see it…
  this next one is very recent, and it took FOREVER to complete, but I’m quite pleased with the end result, and it’s one of the only times I actually filled up the whole page with a drawing! Finally, for my last drawing! This one is actually my favorite of them all,and I’m not sure if it’s because of excessive editing before I uploaded this, but the hair looks so cool and I’m so happy with how it turned out😊😊.
I hope you enjoyed, and I’ll hopefully be posting soon!


Fashion Inspiration Lookbook: Outfit #4:) 

 I’m not quite sure if I’ll be posting another outfit for this Lookbook in particular, but here is look number 4! It’s absolutely one of my favorites partly because of the inclusion of my favorite Bethany Mota collection top!   

  At many times, unfortunately, it feels as if it’s already winter, so if you want an outfit that is warm enough but still doesn’t make you look too covered up, this is a great option:) Here, I wore this owl Aztec printed long sleeve, from the 1st Bethany Mota holiday collection, and I paired it with my FAVORITE skirt ever! I also wore some black tights and black boots with a matching beenie to complete the look. I really thought that this was one of the most practical outfits and I hope some of my ideas in this series have been helpful! 

XOXO, Nessa.  

OOTD: Fashion Lookbook Part #3:) 

Welcome back to my Lookbook series! If you haven’t checked out my other two looks from the last few days then go check them out for some more inspiration:) For today’s look I definitely wanted to focus on the more comfortable looks that you guys can wear this season, so that’s what I had In mind while putting this look together.    

So, for this outfit, I’m wearing a black oversized sweater with a really cute red lip detail which I love since I’m forever obsessed with red lipstick 😂. I paired this with a pair of super soft black tights and black tie-up boots. If you’re looking for a cute look that won’t make you look too bulky for the colder fall weather, then opting for a sweater thick enough for skipping a jacket would be a perfect choice!

Hope you enjoyed! Check back for tomorrow for another outfit post!

Thanks for reading, guys:)

XOXO, Nessa.


OOTD: Fall Inspiration Lookbook: Part #2!

Hey there everyone! Today, I’ll be sharing my second look in my fall inspiration outfit posts, so if you want to see my other look that I posted yesterday, you can check it out here:  Click🙂 

This outfit is perfect if you live in a state where it’s already chilly in the early fall, which I can definitely relate to the most, so I will more than likely be wearing this look a lot this fall. 

 So, here I’m wearing this varsity jacket with some leather arms which I thought was super cute and added to the edgy look I wanted to go for:) I’m wearing this cropped top that I absolutely love, and although you can’t see it in these photos, I have detailing on the sides with shoelace-inspired ties. To make up for the cropped top, I paired the look with some high waited navy pants to make it a more appropriate look for the fall. I’m also wearing a pair of low brown boots, adding a bit of color to a rather black and white look. 

And that was it! Check back tomorrow for yet another look from my Fall Inspiration Lookbook! 🙂 

XOXO, Nessa:)

OOTD: Fall Inspiration Lookbook Part #1

 Ello there beautiful people! I’m seriously so glad to be back and boggling as I do realize that I’ve been pretty lacking in posting as I used to. Alas however, I’m really going to attempt going back and posting not only more often, but at better quality:)

But anyways, today I really wanted to create a fall Lookbook. I see many bloggers and fashion bloggers showing their readers and audiences their style evolution every season, which I was really intrigued by, so here’s my take! Today, I’m sharing my first look in this Fall Inspiration collection, and hopefully it’ll give you some ideas for your outfits as well:). 

  I’m pretty obsessed with hats..like…a lot! So, I was so excited when I bought this oversized floppy hat made out of a felt material. Since its black, I feel like it would still be appropriate for fall, and I’ve seen many fashion bloggers also wearing a similar look, that inspired me to do the same.  

 Not sure if you noticed either, but if you have read my blog before (Thank you by the way!) then you may have seen a difference in my outfit photos:). Besides changing location to a less distracting background, I ended up playing a bit with lighting, using extra flashlights and natural light to get a clearer shot.

But, returning from my tangent, here I’m wearing this light blue…coat? Haha I might have forgotten exactly what I should call this, so I’ll just say outerwear😂. Anyways, I really liked wearing this with a pair of black tights and some Doc Martens because it really made it look less like a..robe! This first time I tried this on, it did look much like a robe, but I finally paired it in a way that it looks more on trend for today. Hopefully these will still be in style for the next could’ve of months! 

So that was it for today! Check back tomorrow  for my next look! 

XOXO, Nessa:) 

A Bit Late, But Here’s What I Wore For Halloween! 

   I did mention in my last post that I wanted to share my actual Halloween costume, so here it is! I went the DIY route this year, and it was so fun to recreate the look of Ariel in normal everyday clothing:) it’s a bit more appropriate for going anywhere, as you don’t look too out of place if you’re dressed up a bit early in the day, and still festive enough for the holiday. So, for this look, I wore a long sleeve purple blouse and some green jeans. I wore a red wig, since last year’s attempt at Ariel ended with a fail spray paint red hair😂. I paired the look with some suspenders and some black glasses (not in the picture) to give the look a more “nerdy Ariel” feel, that I always see on tumblr and thought it would be really fun to recreate! 

So, that’s it for this post guys! I know it was late but my phone ran out of battery yesterday so I couldn’t post😂 What do you wear yesterday for Halloween? I would love to hear! 

XOXO, Nessa:) 

A Disney-Themed Halloween Costume! 

Keeping with the spirit of October, I decided that I would try to fit in some Halloween posts and costume ideas! Today, I really wanted to show you a look that you can easily DIY without spending a lot of cash on a one time-ensemble. In this case, it’s the infamous Disney villan herself: Ursula! I really had fun re-creating this look, and hope you find it helpful as well:)

So, for this look, I wore a dress that was actually on super-sale at Deb. In the end, this prom dress which was originally around $60 came out to only 10! I paired it with a pair of black flats and decided to go with some rather crazy makeup😂 Although red lips and blue eyeshadow are always seen as an obvious bad idea, I felt it fit for this costume, also remember to add a birthmark! 

Hope you all liked this look/found it inspiring:) Next time, I’ll be covering my favorite look yet: Ariel! (Keeping with the Disney theme)

Also, what are you guys planning on being on Halloween?! I would love to hear in the comments below:) 

XOXO, Nessa:) 

Fashion Collection Sketches! 

 Ahh, I’m so excited! I’m finally restarting this drawing series, but with a more focused take: fashion design. I’m quite happy with the end result, and I really hope that I could continue to do this and blog about…well anything, for the next few months. I know that I’ve really been absent on my blog for a couple of weeks now, and for some reason I’ve been feeling unmotivated and uninspired. And no matter how much I want to be able to blog, I’m coming to terms with the fact that I am really having a bloggers block. And yes, it does suck. So, for now here are some of my drawings:) hopefully I’ll be back to posting once the pressures of the school year wear off a bit. Until then, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day! 


All drawings were done in led pencil, prismacolor colored pencils, black sharpie and a shading pencil:)

XOXO, Nessa

OOTD: In All Black 

I always feel inclined to wear all black, and now that it’s fall, it finally fits in well with the season…and for that I am so relieved to say. For this look, I tried to keep it a bit more accesorized and interesting even though I have a full one-color look…

 I’m wearing this really fun purple lipstick that I love! (Although, it does tend to be a bit messy to apply, as it is liquid-based). A also took advantage of the fall season, to finally know that this hat is suitable: what a joy that is.😂 

Here are where you can get there items:

Jacket: Nordstrom 

Shoes: Doc Martens

Leggings: Nordstrom